In Conversation with Michael Nyman

La Venaria Reale, Torino. Michael Nyman and Chris Meigh-
Andrews. (Photo: Isabella de Maddalena)

“Decisive Moments: A Conversation between Michael Nyman and Chris Meigh-Andrews” is published in the catalogue for Michael Nyman’s exhibition “Images Were Introduced” , La Venaria Reale, Turin, Fondazione Elisabetta Sgarbi, 2017.

“For Issac, Alan & Steve”- New outdoor installation, Aug 2016

For Issac, Alan & Steve 1, 2016 For Issac, Alan & Steve 2, 2016 For Issac, Alan & Steve 3, 2016 For Issac, Alan & Steve 4, 2016

For Isaac, Alan & Steve

A Site-specific double screen outdoor video installation for “Outside”, Cuckoo Farm Studios, Colchester.

This work, playfully dedicated to three of my heroes, references the iconic fruit which is associated with them- Sir Issac Newton, who according to legend was inspired by one, Alan Turing, who allegedly poisoned himself with one, and Steve Jobs, who named his world-beating company after one.

 I have worked with the video medium for many years and have sought ways to bring what is clearly (and most emphatically) an indoor medium- outside, and this installation is simply another attempt to make something of this kind.

 The work has a very simple “core” idea (many apologies for this pun), which centres on the illusion that we are looking at an image of the same apple as it moves from one screen to the other, which of course, as everyone will understand, it does not. Aside from this, and that I like the idea of putting domestic TV sets into a tree, I just want to tip my hat to Messers Newton, Turing and Jobs.

L’Émergence de l’art vidéo en Europe : historiographie, théorie, sources et archives, Bibliothèque nationale de France, May 25th & 26th, 2016.

Pawel Kwiek, "Video and Breath, Channel of Information", 1978

Pawel Kwiek, “Video and Breath, Channel of Information”, 1978


I will be presenting a paper on early artists’ video in the UK on May 25th.

Here is the programme for the two-day event which will be held at the Bibliothèque nationale de France
and the Institut national d’histoire de l’art

May 25th:

A. Historiographies nationales et transnationales

Présidente de séance : Larisa Dryansky (INHA)

1. Slavko Kacunko (University of Copenhagen)
“Early Closed Circuit Video in Europe: Creating Crossroads”
2. Grégoire Quenault et Fleur Chevalier (université Paris 8 -Vincennes Saint-Denis)
« La création vidéographique en France : émergence et développements »

Pause café
3. Marika Kuzmic (ARTon Foundation)
“Polish Video Art (1973-79): A Yet Unwritten Story”

4. Chris Meigh-Andrews (University of the West of England)
“Artist’s Video in Britain: The Early Years”

Pause déjeuner

B) Expositions, diffusion, circulation
Président de séance : Alain Carou (BnF)

1. Wulf Herzogenrath (Akademie der Künste, Berlin)
“Projekt’ 74, Kölnischer Kunstverein 1974: The First Video Cassette Catalogue
in the World”
2. François Bovier (ECAL)
“La médiatisation de l’art vidéo en Suisse romande : enseignement, expositions,

3. Laura Leuzzi (University of Dundee)
“Early Video Art in Rome: video artists and collectives, exhibitions and galleries
in the Seventies from VideObelisco to Video 79”

Pause café
Elaine Shemilt (University of Dundee)
“European Women’s Video Art in the 70s and 80s”

May 26

Focus : nouvelles recherches sur deux fonds conservés à la BnF

Thibault Boulvain (INHA)
“Interrogations sur l’art/Discours sur l’art (1972-1978) : retour sur le fonds
vidéo Lea Lublin”

Nicolas Ballet (INHA)
“Usages et apprentissage de la vidéo légère. Constitution du fonds
audiovisuel de l’ENSBA (années 1970)”

Table ronde : Pour une cartographie des fonds
d’archives en Europe

Modérateurs : François Bovier (ECAL) et Larisa Dryansky (INHA)
Nathalie Boulouch (Archives de la critique d’art)
Barbara Borcic (SCCA-Ljubljana)
Alain Carou (BnF)
Sandra Lischi (Casa Totiana)
Robert Stéphane (RTBF)
Pause déjeuner

Table ronde : Les collections de musées et les structures
de diffusion face à leur passé
Modérateurs : Grégoire Quenault (université Paris 8 -Vincennes Saint-Denis /ESTCA)
Alain Carou (BnF)
Thierry Destriez (Heure exquise !)
François Michaud (Musée d’art moderne de la Ville de Paris)
Dorcas Müller (ZKM)
Stephen Partridge (University of Dundee)
Miklos Peternak (Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts)
