
Chris Meigh-Andrews at opening of Analogue in Valetta with Dr Edward Zammit Lewis, Maltese minister for Culture
This section provides information about my curatorial projects with details of collaborators, participants and venues for projects including The Digital Aesthetic (2001), Analogue: Pioneering Video from the UK, Canada and Poland: 1968-88, (2006-2010); Analogue & Digital (2006) , Digital Aesthetic 2 (2007) ; Yes, Snow Show (2008-09); Light & Dark/Motion & Stasis (2011) , Digital Aesthetic 3 (2012) and After Dark (2013 & 2015), Meta Landscapes: Representations & Perceptions (2022) and Double Acts: Collaborations in Early Artists’ Video (2023)
Artists including Professor Lubaina Himid MBE, Professor Christopher Meigh-Andrews, Professor Charles Quick, and others started teaching Fine Art at UCLan in the 1990s, forming strong relations with staff at the Harris which resulted in collaborative exhibitions, projects, conferences, and research opportunities.
Most relevant within the context of influencing exhibiting and collecting new media is the relationship with Christopher Meigh-Andrews and the Electronic and Digital Art Unit. In 2001, Meigh-Andrews and the Harris Exhibitions Team conceived Digital Aesthetic, a relatively small-scale exhibition, conference, and website.
Lindsay Taylor, “From Exhibition to Collection: Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston”, New Collecting: Exhibiting and Audiences After New Media Art, Beryl Graham, ed, Ashgate Publishing, 2014.