For Issac, Alan & Steve
“For Issac, Alan & Steve”, 2016-17
Two screen video Installation: LCD screens, media players, perspex boxes.
This work was initially designed as an outdoor installation, with video monitors and media players contained in weatherproof perspex boxes. One screen was suspended just above head height from the branch of a tree, with the second screen sited on the ground directly below. The two screens displayed imagery of falling apples, one continuously detaching itself from a tree branch, and the other landing on the ground at the base of the tree. The work references the symbolic power of the apple as metaphor and myth- Newton’s revelatory experience, Turing’s alleged suicide, and Job’s appropriation of the iconic fruit for his computer company.

“For Issac, Alan & Steve”, Outdoor version, 2016.

“For Issac, Alan & Steve”, Outdoor version, 2016.

“For Issac, Alan & Steve”, Outdoor version, 2016.

For Issac, Alan & Steve, Gallery version, 2017-18